Mind Monsters

Mind Monsters I think gets the best of us most days. We quickly analyze, break down, pick apart and insecurely create things in our mind.
At least I do.

Jumping out of my comfort zone pushes me in to a Mind Monster. My insecurities are so crazy that it makes me a different person. We all do this. It’s the fact that we are all trying to figure out life that makes us so lost in what we are doing that forget to just live. Live for the moment. Take it in for what it is. Sitting out of my comfort zone I quickly realize that I made it this far why not enjoy where I am and go that much farther. REALLY! What is the worse that will happen? Right now. This very moment?  Most people will forget what you said. I am always scared that I miss understand something when really will they remember 20 mins from know? If they do I am either really funny or they are so worried about the same thing so they hold on to what I said. Those mind Monsters is what makes you twist and turn that.  We are not much different but are together by being human. When did so much pressure of being some one come upon us? Why can’t we be the person to think out side of the box? Those are the people that normally make the biggest impacts.

Be the person out side the comfort box. Be bigger than your Mind Monster

BE THE IMPACT. Whats the worse that will happen be simply being beautiful you? Don’t let those mind monsters get you down.


A talented little weed 

“Some my see a weed others may see a wish”

A few years ago my mom made we watch Susan Boyles audition tape. Watching her walk out on stage and after she was done talking to the judges mom stop the video and asked me “what do you think the judges first impression is?” I pondered I said “probably unsure and that it might be a joke.”  She smile politely at me and continued the video. Susan Boyle sang and amazed every one. She was making people cry and had a standing ovation after she finished. My mom stopped the video again and said “Now what do you think the judges think and feel?” 

My mom showed me that you can never judge a book by its cover. You never know the gift that some one might give you by simply allowing them to be themselves. The person that is softly spoken often times can blow you away with how powerful their mind is. It also shows never to underestimate some ones talent by looks or appearance. Every one has something beautiful to offer. Instead of shutting them down we just need to find a way to encourage them to grow.  


I have some of the most beautiful people in my life. 

Seriously the ones that can uplift you and make you laugh all in one moment are the best people. They aren’t closed minded and can help you see in such a different light when everything is dark. 

Every body you want in your life has a spot. It’s either for you to help them or for them to help you. Sometimes they fit to an every day  life and others come and go. I think because friends come in all different shapes and sizes that it’s sometimes hard to know where you stand or even where you want to stand with them. People change. Some good some for worse. Every person that crosses your path teaches you something along the way. 

It’s a beautiful interaction that I often feel is over looked. As I went on a coffee run with a friend today,I truly sat back and and enjoyed my time with this person who was able to understand, support, and encourage me on my level. I often take the beautiful souls in my life for granted.  

So today tell a friend how much they mean to you, because honestly when was the last time you told them how much they meant to you? 


How come we can detox our bodies but we never stop to think about detoxing our minds? 

I recently deleted my Facebook and I sometimes miss seeing the updates of friends and family but I’m happier without having carrying the burden of every one. Weird right? I was nervous people where going to stop talking to me. To be very honest since doing this is feel weight has been lifted. I’m no longer wrapped up in certain drama.

This got me thinking what else am I feeding myself that I should mentally detox from? 

Negative thoughts can so quickly consume and you swim in them until you realize you can stand up and walk out. If we exercise every day our bodies become stronger, leaner, and healthy. If we exercise our positive minds it becomes stronger, and healthier. 

Detox your negative mind. Train your mind to find positives throughout your day to not get caught swimming in negativity. 

Enough is.. enough

I sometimes struggle greatly with being enough for people. Rejection, disappointment, speaking ones own mind, often leads to people feeling like they are never enough.

Let me tell you that if you are a good, kind, loving person and you wake up every day to be the BEST YOU,  you are more than enough.

This world is harsh. That should never stop you from being you.

You where brought here for a reason. That reason alone no matter what you believe in is enough. You impact this world every day. Mind blowing right?!?! By just being yourself you are able to impact. Again making you more than enough.

We are different which is what makes us see,feel,and act different, but that by no means makes your value any less than some one else’s.

Go be you.. impact. Be your best self and shine. Your impact can be as small as a smile, or a hug, but your impact is enough! You are enough!

Black and white 

Do flowers look any less pretty when they are in black and white? No.. so why are we judging humans this way?

See the beauty. See it in others. We don’t know what trials they are walking.  Be a light in the world.

To be or not to be

You get to choose so much.. you get to choose what you like and don’t like. And you get to choose what jobs you apply for. Even down to what type of toilet paper to buy, but I think it’s weird that we don’t really realize that we get to choose our daily outlook.

To choose to be positive or to choose not to be positive. That is the question.

Choose to positivity today. Choose to love and spread the good in this world. Choose to smile at some one random and make their day. You can be a ripple. We need all we can get to shine a little  brighter today. Choose to show  good.

Being an Adult is the Dumbest thing I have ever done.

You read it right.

I miss naps

For reals though. Where did that imagination, curiosity, love, and naps go? I miss having  imgination of the world. I literally could do anything and nothing would stop in my way. I was the hero of this story and I didn’t need to be saved. I still am kind of curious but its more so like what is this mole hair on my arm, and should I worry? Nothing like when I was younger when I wanted to know how EVERYTHING worked.  Unless I heard my elders talking about something I would accept every one with open arms. I didn’t know what race was.. If I did I knew I would win cause clearly I would be the fastest. I had no clue what religion was or if some one knew something different then what I believed. There was always always good, and so many where equal to me. In fact growing up has made me so harsh to this world.

So from here on I want to find my sense of wonder find my imagination to do what ever I want. Regain some fun curiosity and to open my arms to as much good to the world as possible.. Find a way to make it good again, to live by example and help people find their inner child.

Maybe I will even sneak a nap or two in there.

The same thing we do every night. TRY and TAKE OVER THE WORLD

You know if Pinky would have given up on taking over the world. Then.. there wouldn’t be a show.. And you would think that mice really didn’t do much with their time.

Life is the same way. Never stop dreaming on how to take over your own world. Shoot for the stars never stop fighting for yourself.  There will be nights where your plans fall through. Where you are rejected and and knocked down, but its all about how you stand back up. My all time favorite batman quote is “Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.”

So if today you where knocked down, rejected, turned down, or that plan just didn’t turn out. Stand back up and remember that your fight is worth it. That you will have some trails and failures along the way, but get back on that horse and do that same thing you do every night. Hold that head high, let your light shine and try to take over the world.

BE the BRA

Bra’s are up lifting and supportive.  So why can’t we be like that to every one?  We are always in judgement mode. Quick to add our comments and views. Why can’t we take a step back to listen to some one and how they are actually viewing something? We all have the right to feel the way we do and we normally have a reason as to how we got there.

If we where to I dunno lets say put down our phones, open our ears, and open our minds what could we learn from some one? Serisously if we where to be more supportive and encouraging of others then maybe we could solve more than what we realize. To hear some one out and to just understand then we are allowing other people to just be heard. To have the chance to understand and to grow from something.

Thats how to be the change to just allow some one to express it.