The same thing we do every night. TRY and TAKE OVER THE WORLD

You know if Pinky would have given up on taking over the world. Then.. there wouldn’t be a show.. And you would think that mice really didn’t do much with their time.

Life is the same way. Never stop dreaming on how to take over your own world. Shoot for the stars never stop fighting for yourself.  There will be nights where your plans fall through. Where you are rejected and and knocked down, but its all about how you stand back up. My all time favorite batman quote is “Why do we fall? So we can learn to pick ourselves back up.”

So if today you where knocked down, rejected, turned down, or that plan just didn’t turn out. Stand back up and remember that your fight is worth it. That you will have some trails and failures along the way, but get back on that horse and do that same thing you do every night. Hold that head high, let your light shine and try to take over the world.